Dealing with a scatterbrained boss

  • December 21, 2009

Question: “I work for a manager who thinks I can read her mind. She rushes up to my desk and says something like, 'Did he come pick it up?' Because I have no idea...

Communicating effectively with higher-ups

  • December 08, 2009

Question:  “I feel that I am being ignored because of my age. I am a young employee who recently attained a position in which I have to interact with...

6 ways to tighten your communications

  • October 08, 2009

With the diminishing time you have to communicate, it’s a good idea to tighten your writing and say everything that needs to be said in half the words. With...

What to say when dealing with a ranter

  • September 23, 2009

When a colleague or customer gets so upset they stop making sense, you need to remember this: Too much adrenaline is muddling their thinking. Here are the most common...

Communicating with a scatterbrained boss

  • September 02, 2009

Question:  “I work for a manager who thinks I can read her mind. She will come rushing up to my desk and say something like, “Did he come pick it...

When co-workers drop the ball

  • July 02, 2009

At some point in their careers, most people end up in the position of being left to do the work after flaky colleagues drop the ball. Anita Bruzzese (,...

How to Survive Under a Tyrant CEO

  • June 24, 2009

Q: “Our new CEO is very vindictive. He has ‘spies’ who feed him stories about employees that he doesn’t like. He fires people based on fabricated...

Cubicle etiquette: Don’t be a prairie dog

  • June 09, 2009

If you've noticed a lack of "cubicle etiquette" around the office lately, distribute the following "good neighbor" checklist to your co-workers. Example: Don't be an...