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People Management
On Demand Training

New Hiring Workshop

Discover dozens of practical and easy-to-implement tips to help your organization find the talent it needs—and hold on to it. With this on-demand workshop, understand the important changes taking place in talent acquisition this year and what your organization must be doing in response.

People Management

The Manager’s Handbook: 104 Solutions to Your Everyday Workplace Problems

Managers face countless challenges each day, after all, most managers aren’t just managing direct reports, they have their own workload to keep up with. From finding good hires to putting out fires, there's a lot on your plate. But you’re not stuck managing the tricky situations managers face on your own, we’re here to help. With The Manager’s Handbook, you’ll get 104 solutions to your everyday workplace problems.

Employment Law

HR Specialist: Employment Law

Clear, common-sense employment law advice that cuts directly to the bottom line. An attorney may say what the law is – but the monthly issues of HR Specialist: Employment Law and its related weekly e-letters explain what managers and HR professionals should do that is both safe and practical in the real world of business.

People Management

Performance Reviews: A complete how-to guide … with 79 appraisal forms and tools

No matter who’s giving them, performance reviews are just … difficult. It would be so great to get this headache under control … ease your management burden … free yourself to concentrate on things that really matter. Now you can, with Performance Reviews: A Complete How-to Guide. This resource is packed with the essentials you need to get your HR staff on track.

Office Administration

59 Technology Tips for the Administrative Professional

As an administrative professional, you’re constantly pressed for time. And while you can’t add more hours to the day, there is a simple way to better manage your time: by advancing your skills on the programs you already use every day. Armed with 59 Technology Tips for the Administrative Professional, you’ll do more than harness the latest office technology to your advantage. You’ll enhance your value to the organization – and dramatically increase your marketability!

People Management

The HR Specialist

In addition to providing plain-English HR advice that tells readers what they can do, not just what they can’t do, monthly issues of The HR Specialist and its related weekly e-letters show HR professionals how to raise the profile of the HR function from the back office to the boardroom. Readers will find personal success by developing innovative solutions to general management problems.

Employment Law

The Employer’s Practical Legal Guide: Plain language about current employment law

Protect your company with the comprehensive and easy-to-understand instructions in The Employer’s Practical Legal Guide. Prepared by top employment attorneys — then translated into plain language for business people — this must-have manual has everything you need to know to stop trouble before it starts … and limit the damage from innocent mistakes. More than 80 checklists and self-audit questionnaires help you target your company’s weak spots and correct them quickly.

Office Administration

The Admin Pro Handbook: Tips and Solutions for Standout Assistants

You may know how to survive in today’s fast-paced admin world, but do you know how to thrive? You’re not the only admin to face the challenges you come across every day. Now you can learn how to tackle them from the people who have been where you are — other admins. You’ll learn how to master technology (before it masters you), work well with everyone and even advance your career. The Admin Pro Handbook is your own personal job coach!

People Management

Bullet-Proof Your Employee Handbook

Is your employee handbook an open invitation to sue you? With Bullet-Proof Your Employee Handbook you’ll fix the 10 disastrous mistakes found in almost every employee handbook and protect your organization against today’s newest trends in litigation. You’ll avoid the “cookie-cutter” trap and the policy-procedure blur, and secure enough wiggle room so you don’t get pinned down in court. Stop wondering about how you might be vulnerable — order Bullet-Proof Your Employee Handbook today.

People Management

Managing People at Work

People join companies, but they leave managers. Discover the tips, tricks and techniques you can use to motivate employees … banish negativity … recruit (and retain) top performers … and excel at managing people at work. Get management advice when you want it, the way you want it, with Managing People at Work.

Workplace Communication

Difficult People at Work: How to deal with credit grabbers, tyrants, space cadets, saboteurs … and 20 other challenging personality types

Discover how to identify and manage the 24 most challenging personality types! Working with underhanded, self-centered and troublesome people can be infuriating. Difficult People at Work gives you proven, practical strategies you can use immediately to restore the balance of power, improve your own working environment and put problem people in their place.

People Management

The Book of Company Policies

In today's highly regulated, litigious society, a single misstep can trigger lawsuits that blow away your company's morale, productivity and profitability. That's why you need clear and consistent policies on your organization's rules, standards and benefits. The Book of Company Policies offers expert guidance on what policies you need and how to write them ... communicate them ... and put them to work. You'll steer clear of potential legal landmines — helping your supervisors and managers save time and avoid daily hassles.

Office Administration

Administrative Professional Today

The administrative professional’s guide to accelerated career development. Administrative Professional Today offers practical advice on office efficiency, politics, communication, time management, supervisory problems and technology. The monthly issues and weekly electronic forum give special attention to the changing duties of administrative professionals in today’s business environment.

Office Administration

Small Business Tax Strategies

Smart small business owners save thousands of dollars per year on their personal and business taxes by taking advantage of the legal loopholes that the government creates for their unique tax situation. Small Business Tax Strategies cuts through tedious tax code to reveal the bonanza of completely legal opportunities to grow personal wealth and secure an enjoyable retirement.

People Management

HR Memos to Managers: 81 concise, customizable, training handouts for your supervisors

Do your managers have the HR know-how they need? Too often, employees are given managerial jobs based on their performance in non-managerial positions — not on their supervisory skills. Help them figure out the HR aspect of their job by downloading, customizing and distributing HR Memos to Managers. Your “good-faith” effort to train your managers on sexual harassment, retaliation, FMLA compliance and 80+ other tricky topics will go a long way with the courts. Protect your organization now and in the future with HR Memos to Managers.

People Management
On Demand Training

Hiring for Attitude

A study by Leadership IQ found that 46% of new hires are either fired or disciplined within their first 18 months. And in a staggering 89% of those cases, the reason for the action isn’t incompetence, but attitude. You can teach technical skills, but you can’t teach attitude. Hiring for Attitude helps you make great hires every time.

Employment Law

Using Independent Contractors: Legal safeguards & compliance tips

When it comes to independent contractors, what you don’t know can hurt. Get step-by-step instructions on how to comply with IRS requirements without compromising your ability to make cost-effective hiring decisions. You’ll learn about the IRS’ 10-question test to determine classification, see a sample contract and review guidelines for 22 states with even stricter rules. Hire — or don’t hire — without fear!

People Management
On Demand Training

Regulating Employee Conduct On and Off the Job: Where to draw the line

Individuality can lead to a unique workplace, but restrictions on an employee’s expression can lead to discrimination and retaliation lawsuits… lower morale… and unwanted government attention. Regulating Employee Conduct On & Off the Job will help you learn exactly what you CAN and CAN’T do to regulate employees’ conduct – and how to satisfy the often-conflicting demands of the law.

Office Administration

Payroll Legal Alert

Avoid potential penalties, fines and lawsuits by keeping current on payroll legislation and by clarifying important issues such as in-plan Roth IRA rollovers, FLSA compliance trouble areas, FSA/HAS reimbursements and the Health Care Tax Credit. Also included in Payroll Legal Alert are useful calendars and worksheets designed especially for payroll specialists.

People Management
On Demand Training

What to Say When You Discipline: 10 Phrases Every Manager Needs to Know

Disciplining employees requires a delicate balancing act. Push too hard and you alienate people. Tiptoe around the core issue and you confuse people. It’s never easy, and most managers never learned how. Now you can — with What to Say When You Discipline: 10 Phrases Every Manager Needs to Know. No interview is more difficult to tackle than a disciplinary one. When you know what to do and what to say, you can get all your employees back on track smoothly and efficiently. AND it’s easy once you know just 10 simple phrases.

Office Administration

Payroll Compliance Handbook

With our new and updated Payroll Compliance Handbook, you’ll quickly and easily find answers to all of your nagging payroll questions. This handy reference is written in plain English – no legal gobbledygook here – so you can quickly understand what you need to do to stay in compliance, improve efficiencies and avoid costly payroll errors. Each chapter focuses on a specific aspect of payroll management and compliance… and every issue of payroll compliance you need to know is addressed.

Workplace Communication

Mastering Business Etiquette

Was it putting your foot in your mouth in front of higher-ups? Mishandling introductions between two clients? Saying something inappropriate at a meeting? Embarrassing mistakes have happened to all of us, but you can put them behind you. Career success depends on growing past the awkwardness into the mature poise that others can rely on. Using the strategies found in Mastering Business Etiquette & Protocol, you’ll look forward to professional interactions as opportunities to shine while advancing the organizational agenda – and your own career. Get your copy now!

Employment Law

Retirement Tax Guide

The Retirement Tax Guide explains how you can maximize your retirement dollars by taking full advantage of the many tax-reducing shelters, trusts, credits and deductions available. You’ll learn the pros and cons of every imaginable financial strategy, along with step-by-step advice to make them work for you. The Retirement Tax Guide takes the guesswork out of financial planning. Along with our straightforward advice, it provides handy checklists, work sheets, sample calculations and detailed examples to illustrate the effects of various financial strategies on your tax liability, income and wealth. And the snappy “Tax Trap” warnings will help you steer clear of potential disasters.

People Management
On Demand Training

Performance Review Workshop

With work structures in flux, managers need a reliable system to assess what their employees are working on, where they’re struggling and what they’re capable of achieving. Regular performance appraisals create that essential feedback loop between managers and their teams. Without effective appraisals, you risk lower morale, reduced productivity and even legal issues in the event of terminations.

Job Descriptions
On Demand Training

Legal Requirements of Job Descriptions

Job descriptions are also essential to conducting fair and effective performance reviews, disciplining workers whose performance is subpar and designing performance improvement plans (PIPs). Without an accurate, up-to-date and worker-acknowledged job description, your chances of successfully beating back a wrongful-discharge lawsuit are dramatically reduced.