Can we implement an anti-nepotism policy?

  • August 16, 2009

Q. To prevent productivity and morale problems, we would like to adopt a policy stating the company will not hire the spouses of current employees. Would this be lawful?

Reduced hours and WARN: Are we liable?

  • August 02, 2009

Q. Due to the poor economy, we recently cut one of our manufacturing shift’s hours by 60%. This will continue indefinitely. We gave the affected employees two...

10 keys to negotiating your HR budget

  • July 28, 2009

Ever had the C-Suite rubber-stamp your HR budget with nary a question or challenge? Neither has Valerie Grubb, who spent most of her career building and justifying...

Jim Collins on power vs. leadership

  • July 07, 2009

Asked to look back over 30 years in the context of our tumultuous times, Jim Collins, author of the best-sellers Good to Great and Built to Last, offers these thoughts...

Can we listen in on employees’ phone calls?

  • July 03, 2009

Q. We have a good reason to believe that one of our employees is divulging proprietary company information to a friend of his who works for our competition. We have a...

Your next job: An HR consultant?

  • June 17, 2009

Although it may seem counterintuitive, there are many good reasons to launch a one-person HR consultancy as the economy sputters. Despite the layoffs and budget cuts,...

Must we call back laid-off workers first?

  • May 24, 2009

Q. Are we required to call back an employee who’s been laid off? The person wasn’t a responsible employee and called off often. Are we obligated to call...