Problem: A difficult employee becomes defensive and argumentative each time you try to address his shortcomings with him. He doesn’t see a problem or a...
Employers that fire a worker for being caught sleeping on the job may not be liable for unemployment compensation benefits. On-the-job snoozing can be considered...
There are some things employers just can’t do, no matter what a senior manager may want. For example, you can’t punish a good employee for pointing out...
Determining why employees leave is one key to taming turnover. Employers often use exit interviews to identify the answer. But departing employees are often...
Business Management Daily’s new free special report 'How to Fire an Employee the Legal Way: 6 Termination Guidelines' will teach human resources professionals and...
Employers usually don’t have a problem terminating an employee for poor performance if the employee has never raised any kind of discrimination claim....
Hesitant to fire an employee because of his race, religion or other protected characteristic? Don’t be. Employers with legitimate reasons to discharge...
A five-week trial in Cumberland County has ended in a win for a former manager at Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.’s Fayetteville plant. The jury awarded the...
Beth Rist’s story with the city of Ironton goes back years. She was the Ironton Police Department’s first female officer when she was hired in 1996. In...
Employees often reveal their true feelings during an exit interview, and they frequently wind up burning bridges in the process. Smart employers take notes during exit...
Some supervisors wrongly assume that employees can’t sue if they quit—only if they’re fired. That makes some bosses think the best way to get rid of...
In an attempt to help employers get a handle on what and when to pay departing employees, here's a state-by-state summary of vacation pay requirements, as well as a...
Andrew Kurtz, part of a crew of guys who dress as hearty snacks and race around the Pittsburgh Pirates' stadium at every home game, was canned after criticizing team...
Child care is expensive, and many parents eager to avoid high day-care costs ask their own parents to watch the kids. That’s great if it works out. But in...
The value of unused vacation may represent a hidden treasure for employees who are terminated. And these days, employees will grasp at any straw to maximize their...
Since you can't take back the words after they've left a manager's mouth — or take back the e-mail after the manager has hit the send button — you need to...
Sooner, rather than later, might be the time to think about possibly needing to negotiate a severance package, if you don’t have one. The landscape has changed, so...