With new legislation and a changing workplace, it's time to evaluate if your old FMLA calendar method is still serving you or if it's time for something new
The compensability of travel time when teleworking is one of many issues the DOL clarified its stance on recently. It may be time to update your policy.
HR professionals don't need to be business law experts, but with the fields increasingly overlapping, knowing the basics might keep you out of hot water.
Once you find the right match, you don't want to let go. Fortunately, there are some simples ways to improve retention among your independent contractors.
HR is finally getting a seat at the table with the addition of the Chief Human Resources Officer, and just in time as this role is more important than ever.
Use simple criteria to determine if you have to file a 1099 for freelancers and independent contractors you worked with, while avoiding common mistakes.
Slights can come in many shapes and forms - but no matter how big or small, leaving them unaddressed can have significant legal consequences and performance impacts.