Tracking FMLA leave

  • March 31, 2006

Question: Does anyone have some sort of simple way/spreadsheet to track FMLA leave using the "rolling" 12-month period measured backward?  -- Cindy

Who Is A Parent Under The FMLA?

  • December 08, 2005

While most everyone considers a grandparent to be an especially cherished family member, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) does not generally include a...

Employees can disobey bias-tainted orders

  • October 01, 2005

When an employee refuses to carry out an order, supervisors may automatically think such insubordination is worthy of discipline or firing. Not so fast! That initial...

Self-employeds: Pass the 1099 tax buck

  • August 22, 2005

Q: I retired earlier this year, but I'm starting a consulting business as a sole proprietor. In my line of work, I'll need to use subcontractors. But won't I be taxed in...

An unsigned contract is still a contract

  • July 01, 2005

Issue: Some courts consider agreements—signed or unsigned—legally binding contracts.Risk: A promise by one of your managers during a phone conversation could...

Stop FMLA abuse with employee ‘bed check’

  • July 01, 2005

Good news: Managing employees out on sick leave and spotting FMLA abuse just got easier. As a recent court ruling shows, you can call and check on employees to make ...

When customers cross the line

  • June 02, 2005

Employers can be liable for harassment of workers not only by other workers, but also by customers. But often, managers who'd have no qualms about...

Warn managers: no ‘one-sided’ socializing

  • March 01, 2005

Supervisors may naturally feel more comfortable with employees from one gender or the other. But, as a new court ruling shows, it's important to counsel supervisors...