ADA – Americans With Disabilities Act

  • March 01, 2012

The ADA protects qualified individuals from disability discrimination in all aspects of employment, from hiring and firing to promotion and demotion to compensation...

Beware hidden danger of class-action lawsuits

  • January 22, 2012

Managers may think it’s safe to underpay employees by having them work off the clock or shaving time off their overtime tab because no one has complained. But it...

Know union rules on probationary employees

  • December 18, 2011

You won’t find many employers extolling the upsides of having a unionized workforce, but there is one advantage. If your union contract provides for a...

Constructive Discharge: FAQs

  • December 03, 2011

Constructive discharge occurs when employees claim that their working conditions were so intolerable that they were forced to quit. Employers must stay within federal...

Freedom of speech: Does it apply at work?

  • October 18, 2011

In private-sector workplaces, em­­ployees do not have First Amendment rights, as public employees do. But certain laws do provide em­­ployees with some...