Employers don’t have to put up with employees who pose a safety hazard to others—or to themselves. While suicidal behavior at work may indicate that an...
Employees who are unable to perform anything but sedentary work may be disabled under the ADA. That means employers may have to find ways to accommodate them, including...
Asperger’s syndrome may be a covered disability under the ADA, a federal court hearing an Ohio case has concluded. Asperger’s is a developmental disability...
An employee shows up for work, and appears to be in no condition to work. But is the employee in any condition to drive him/herself home? You should have a policy in...
Most federal appeals courts have concluded that driving is not a major life activity under the ADA. Thus a disability that simply impairs the ability to drive...
The owner and two managers of a Houston-based used clothing exporting business were recently sentenced to prison for conspiring to harbor illegal immigrants. During a...
Some employees’ religious beliefs forbid them to belong to labor unions. Because, like employers, unions may not discriminate on the basis of religion, they must...
Federal law says employers are allowed, but not required, to make copies of the drivers' licenses and other documents that their employees show for I-9 purposes. But is...
There is no list spelling out exactly which medical conditions are qualifying disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Most medical...
Employees are entitled to work in a harassment-free environment—and that includes more than freedom from harassment by supervisors and co-workers. Employers also...
Q. My family owns a chain of electronics stores. We suspect that employees have stolen some merchandise. We want to install surveillance cameras in our inventory storage...
Some supervisors who micromanage tend to focus on one or two troublesome employees. If those employees belong to a protected class, watch out! Here’s how such...
Global Positioning System devices make it easy for employers to keep track of the location of company vehicles. But for all the pluses of GPS, there are minuses. Because...
Two Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth agencies can issue safety citations under Michigan’s Occupational Safety and Health Act: the General Industry...
Employees who file discrimination complaints can claim retaliation if they can show that their employers took actions that would dissuade reasonable employees from...
Don’t let fear of litigation allow one or two supersensitive employees to squash reasonable criticism and destroy workplace morale. Take, for example, an employee...
Employers and employees often wonder about the benefits and drawbacks of employment contracts. Most employees do not have employment contracts. However, contracts may be...
Developers and general contractors, beware: The National Labor Relations Board has signaled it will take a closer look at work-preservation clauses. Work-preservation...