Spot signs of ‘checked out’ employees

  • May 28, 2014

With the economy improving, your employees have more options to jump ship. The warning signs that someone is about to leave aren't always what you'd expect.

Argument in the workplace isn’t harassment

  • April 21, 2014

Sometimes, employees lose their tempers. That’s unfortunate and you certainly should discourage it. But a loud or tumultuous argument between a supervisor and a...

How to avoid age bias when talking retirement

  • February 06, 2014

Supervisors and HR walk a legal tightrope when discussing retirement plans with aging workers. If it appears you’re pushing an employee out the door based on his ...

Constructive Discharge

  • January 17, 2014

HR Law 101: Some supervisors try to skirt the whole issue of firing someone by resorting to constructive discharge. Their logic: If we make an employee’s time at...

Honest investigation all that’s required

  • January 13, 2014

Do you sometimes worry that you made a mistake during an investigation? Or that you believed the wrong person? You needn’t lose sleep over it. Courts won’t...