Some retail and service establishments strive to create an authentic experience for their customers. That may mean they seek out employees who can best create that...
Since 1979, Donna Smith had worked as a shipping and receiving clerk for Caro Carbide Corp., a carbide machine shop in Troy. From 1988 forward, Smith claims co-worker...
Q. A former employee has just filed a discrimination charge against us with both the EEOC and the Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR). We are a small company, and...
Few HR dilemmas are as sticky as dealing with an employee accused of stealing from the company. Here's how to handle the situation with care, making sure your...
Paulsboro High School has settled a gender discrimination lawsuit with its former principal, Lucia Pollino, who was suspended for six months with pay in April 2007 over...
While no employer should condone any form of workplace harassment, it isn’t always necessary to terminate the alleged harasser. After all, sometimes it may be a...
If there’s one situation in which the HR function really earns its keep, it’s when an employer faces the prospect of having to discharge an employee....
Q. We are a nonunion plant that uses a seniority-based bidding system for work shifts. A recent hire has complained that due to his lack of seniority, he is consistently...
Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act outlaws retaliation against applicants or employees because they have filed EEOC complaints or participated in EEOC...
Three former employees of St. Petersburg-based Raymond James Financial are suing the company, claiming they were paid less, passed over for promotions and denied...
You don’t have to treat supervisors the same as other employees if they break the rules. As the following case shows, supervisors who get into physical fights with...
Q. I always hear North Carolina is a “right to work” state. Does that mean there are limitations on how or why I may be fired? Does that have anything to do...
Employees are supposed to file EEOC and Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC) complaints that fully explain the discrimination claims they’re making. The...
California employees have a right to a work environment free of sexual harassment, and employers are obligated to prevent harassment. But that doesn’t mean that...
When an employee has an extreme sensitivity to fragrances, resolving the issue is made more difficult by the fact that, in order to help him/her, you must typically...
There’s a new concern for managers and supervisors in New York state. Those who give out bad references or otherwise bad-mouth a former employee who claimed...
New York state law provides personal liability for workplace discrimination. Employees who aid and abet their employers in discriminatory acts may be sued personally and...
Under the Indiana Civil Rights Act, it’s unlawful to subject people to differential treatment based on race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin or...
Punctuality is an important workplace policy that employers regularly enforce. Your company may overlook an employee showing up late a minute or two, as long as it...