There’s a fine line between spelling out expectations and unduly controlling exactly how contractors and subcontractors do their jobs. If you use too heavy a...
Some employers end up overpaying for time worked when, for example, employees continue to draw a paycheck while home on some sort of leave. But if you happen to face...
Q. Do employers have to request an official certification form for all FMLA situations, or can a physician’s note be enough for an employer to designate FMLA?
For many years, executives tended to control the flow of information in their organization. They would limit who had access to data and expend much effort ensuring...
Disabled employees are entitled to individualized assessments of their limitations so employers can determine if a reasonable accommodation is possible. It's...
Q. Our restaurant chain employs college students part time during winter and summer breaks. We don’t provide benefits to part-timers. What are the pros and cons...
When someone has surgery or undergoes extensive medical treatment, it’s fairly common to have temporary and lingering problems with energy levels, memory and...
Always count military leave as time worked. Simply pretend the worker is present and earning leave and other benefits. That principle applies to both your attendance...
The former owners of People Care Holdings, which provides in-home health services in and around New York City, have agreed to pay $10 million to settle charges they...
Some small nonprofit organizations may think they don’t have to follow Title VII anti-discrimination rules because they only have one or two employees. They...
For many organizations, promotions are random decisions left to managers. That’s a mistake … and a common one. Use these tips to choose the right people for...
Some employers enliven their onboarding process with games, quizzes and other activities that inform while they entertain. Here are some real-life examples.
Here’s another reason to create a fair, impartial and consistent interview process: Your ultimate decision on who is hired or promoted is more likely to...
In November 1942, Col. Curtis LeMay delivered a briefing to his World War II bomber pilots. He told them they would fly directly toward the target, maximizing the risk...
More than 70% of employers have disciplined employees for misuse of social media. Daniel Ornstein of the Proskauer law firm outlines ways to stop the headaches before...