How much should you document your workday?

  • December 01, 2016

Question: "I have an admin friend who tells me that I should be documenting every single task I do in my job daily, with special detail given to any sort of small or...

Don’t let work conflicts take you down

  • November 08, 2016

Whether it’s a co-worker who won’t stop walking off with your supplies or a serious dispute about a project, here are some steps that can keep conflicts from...

Persuasion or Manipulation?

  • October 27, 2016

Persuasion is not manipulation. If a connection between those words crosses your mind, it is time to eradicate it — and my goal in this short post is to help you...

Sometimes, you gotta bend the rules

  • October 20, 2016

Your book of regulations is likely not all-encompassing, vague in spots and open to interpretation in others. It’s just a guide, for crying out loud. Which brings us...

Managing your boss’s email

  • October 10, 2016

Your boss is out of the office and has asked you to be his or her contact person. Follow these tips.