There’s something about giving orders that makes most of us slightly uncomfortable if not downright queasy. But sometimes a situation makes it necessary to give...
In the 1970s, executives favored a technique called SWOT analysis to think strategically. But SWOT is now outdated, and there's a more reliable way to devise strategy.
Employees who complain to HR or management about alleged discrimination or harassment are engaging in protected activity and can’t be punished for complaining....
Q. At our company holiday party, which was not at the workplace or during work hours, an employee told some inappropriate jokes and put an arm around a co-worker who...
Q. We have an employee who was employed with our company from May, 2010 until April, 2011. The employee was rehired in 2015 and worked approximately nine months. Has...
The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act prevents employers from discharging returning service members for anything except “cause” for...
Employees who want to alter their schedule to accommodate religious needs need to do more than simply mention religion generally. At a minimum, they need to explain...
Have you ever felt punished for taking initiative and tackling a problem on the job? If so, you’re not alone, says productivity consultant Laura Stack....
Disabled employees are entitled to reasonable accommodations that allow them to perform the essential functions of the job they want or have. But, what is an essential...
A new email extension called Crystal can help bring more empathy to your email conversations. The most important thing is adapting to other people’s written language,...
When someone experiences a mortifying moment that you either directly or indirectly witness, it can make future encounters with the person awkward. Here's how to move...
Q: “Can the company legally assess an administrative fee to employees who have been issued a corporate credit card and have been told in writing that the card is...