10 simple payroll rules HR should know

  • April 05, 2017

As predictably as the sun will rise tomorrow, every April 15 the local news will show people lined up at post offices frantically getting their 1040s in the mail...

Suffering a boss who doesn’t suffer fools

  • March 30, 2017

Q. I just accepted a midlevel manager job. Yesterday, I met with a senior vice president who I’ll have to work with regularly. He said, “I don’t suffer...

Hire SWANS and let them swim

  • March 29, 2017

Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you. The return on investment will be extraordinary.

Performance reviews: a two-way street

  • March 23, 2017

Performance reviews are an excel­lent time to exchange important information with employees. But to be effective, there must be a genuine exchange.