Yes, coming to work is an essential function

  • January 04, 2018

Under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, workers with disabilities are entitled to reasonable accommodations. But once their employers have accommodated...

Be careful rescinding offer after medical exam

  • December 28, 2017

Employers that withdraw a job offer following a pre-employment medical examination risk being sued. Counter by being able to point to a specific task or set of tasks the...

Avoid project management traps

  • December 21, 2017

Andrew Makar is all too familiar with project management challenges. An information technology consultant, he has learned how to avoid potholes and stay on track.

‘Boss-ectomy’ not what FEHA doctor ordered

  • December 18, 2017

Under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, employees who say they can’t work under a particular supervisor are not deemed to be disabled. Therefore, they...

What do your admin team meetings look like?

  • December 12, 2017

Question: "Where I work, there are six admins, but in the ten months I've been here, we've never met as a group once. Everything gets done and nothing falls through the...

Reassignment can be post-FMLA accommodation

  • December 11, 2017

When a disabled employee wants to return to work, limitations may make it impossible for him to do his old job. If so, it may be reasonable to either grant more leave or...

5 Ways to Lead Projects More Effectively

  • December 10, 2017

Project management training, advice and wise counsel can be found anywhere. Fair less is written about leading projects. This short article won’t put much of a dent in...

Deal with a confusing email chain

  • December 06, 2017

Group emails can get away from you. People chime in, add information and responses, and it all becomes pretty convoluted. If you find yourself caught up in a confusing...