A comical take on employee recognition

  • April 24, 2018

Watch Michelle Pena, senior editor at Business Management Daily, as she bravely endures the loss of the much-coveted Top Banana award. Will this silly video make you...

When an appraisal is long overdue

  • April 17, 2018

If you haven’t found the time in a long while to review your people’s performance, should you just forget about it? Not at all, but as you embark on long-overdue...

When bias charges arise, never ignore EEOC

  • April 13, 2018

No matter how trivial you might consider discrimination or harassment charges leveled by your employees, never, ever ignore an EEOC complaint. It could wind up costing...

How to get on the same page as your boss

  • April 13, 2018

Maintaining a good working relationship with your boss involves structure and communication. Fred Kniggendorf, president of consulting company Gravyloaf, L.L.C.,...

Beware backlash when blaming the victim

  • April 10, 2018

Employee assistance programs can be useful for workers facing stress or other challenges. EAP counseling is supposed to be confidential, which means that, except under...

The 4 defining moments of 4 great leaders

  • April 10, 2018

Need a quick jolt of leadership adrenaline? Check out these stories of four famous people who came within a whisker of losing it all ... or never making it big in the...

The Case for Suspending Judgment

  • April 03, 2018

In my work as a coach of leaders, and in my general observation, I see many situations that get messy and contentious; and so often these situations are caused by or...