Part-time job may be reasonable accommodation

  • July 17, 2018

The ADA requires employers to consider transfer to open positions as reasonable accommodations for disabled workers. But what if an employee isn’t qualified for any...

Not all unwanted touching is harassment

  • July 13, 2018

Workers who sue for harassment must still provide evidence that the motivation for the touching was somehow related to sex and not just part of a pattern of nonsexual...

Explain different discipline for same offense

  • July 12, 2018

If an employee can show that a worker who received more favorable treatment didn’t belong to the same protected classification, he has a potentially viable lawsuit....

Business processes and BSOs

  • July 02, 2018

Business users, every day, find a cool app that does something nifty, then try to integrate it into their work processes. While it’s great that you are collecting...

Steve Jobs v. George Lucas: The standoff

  • June 28, 2018

In late 1985, Steve Jobs had launched NeXT and wanted to buy a unit of Lucasfilm that made special-effects software for the movies. But finalizing a deal meant haggling...