Is obesity a disability under ADA?

  • September 05, 2019

Generally, obesity alone does not qualify as a disability under the ADA. However, some workers are protected from obesity discrimination; more may soon be.

How to prepare for a disciplinary meeting

  • September 03, 2019

Whether you’re giving an oral warning to a probationary worker or issuing a final warning to a veteran employee, the concept of due process applies.

Predictive scheduling laws pick up steam

  • August 20, 2019

Employers in several cities have adjusted to new fair-scheduling laws. And Chicago just passed the most expansive predictive scheduling law in the country.

Choose best method to set FMLA calendar

  • August 15, 2019

Employers can calculate FMLA entitlement by choosing one of four methods. Not choosing an FMLA calendar method can prove dangerous, as a recent case shows.

What’s new with retirement legislation

  • August 09, 2019

State and federal government have been taking significant steps to make it easier for more employers to set up retirement plans. Here are a few highlights.

Bad people doing payroll

  • August 06, 2019

Here's a little payroll humor, with a side of seriousness. The serious part: Take these as lessons in what not to do and who not to hire.