You worked hard to pass a certification exam given by the HR Certification Institute (HRCI). Now, remain eligible to continue using that mark of distinction by paying...
Conducting employee engagement surveys can help you check the pulse of your workforce. Employee engagement directly correlates to key workforce concerns such as employee...
Open enrollment is an important time and hectic time of year for HR departments. Employees get to select a new plan for their health insurance and opt into other...
The IRS released Forms 1095-C and 1094-C for 2022 healthcare information reporting last week. These forms are required reporting under the Affordable Care Act for...
Earning certification from the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) demonstrates a level of competence and commitment that employers find attractive. The designation adds...
Whether you’re a freelancer or supervise small teams for enterprise-level companies, project management tools are a must if you want to stay efficient and organized....
With so many interviews occurring over Zoom for the past few years, you might be feeling a bit rusty when it comes to putting together a full job interview outfit. You...
One of our primary roles as attorneys is to protect our clients from their worst instincts, like this one: “Let’s file a motion to require a sexual harassment...
What was once a more straightforward question, has caused some confusion since 2020. Does local income tax withholding follow the wages or the person? If it follows the...
Effectively prioritizing your work tasks is important. In fact, it’s so important that one of the most common job interview questions is “how do you prioritize...
Despite what some Millennials and members of Gen Z believe, work-life balance is far from a new concept. Decades of employees have been trying to find the best ways to...
Workplace stress is a serious issue with many causes, including toxic environments, heavy workloads, and poor management. If you're struggling, don't stay silent –...
Tax-free scholarships to employees or their kids provided through employer-related 501(c)(3) private foundations aren’t new. Additionally, they aren’t limited to...
Creating an inclusive work environment often requires some flexibility around accommodating employees with different cultures, abilities, and beliefs. Employers also...
Finding the sweet spot: One employee’s experience with flexible work
Like many people, Molly initially felt unsure about remote work during the pandemic. She...
A little bit of procrastination at the office is surprisingly common, with 88% of workers reporting that they put off important work tasks for at least one hour each...
It can be difficult to keep up with the many lawsuits constantly being slung at businesses. Which ones are important? What cases could have insights that impact our...
Some stores have already brought out the holiday decorations and Christmas music. However, Payroll teams are busy preparing for a different season — year-end...
Advancing into a management role is an exciting but nerve-wracking experience. Managers have a huge responsibility when it comes to motivating and supporting their teams...