Electronic Sabotage In The Workplace

  • January 23, 2007

"Logic bombs" and sabotage aren't the makings of a James Bond film. They're problems any employer can face in this electronic age. Sometimes, employee malice is to...

Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act

  • January 15, 2007

Under Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA), it’s illegal to subject people to differential treatment based on religion, race, color, national...

Michigan Employment Security Act

  • January 15, 2007

The Michigan Employment Security Act governs the state’s unemployment compensation program. As in many other states, the law provides temporary payments to...

Illinois Human Rights Act

  • January 15, 2007

Under the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA), it’s illegal to subject people to differential treatment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin,...

Ohio Fair Employment Practices Act

  • January 15, 2007

Under the Ohio Fair Employment Practices Act (OFEPA), it’s illegal to subject people to differential treatment based on race, color, religion, sex, national...

New York Wage Payment Law

  • January 15, 2007

The New York Wage Payment Law sounds rather simple, but it’s perhaps the most complicated employment law in the state. Full of traps for the unwary, the law can...

Georgia Age Discrimination Law

  • January 15, 2007

Georgia’s state code prohibits discrimination against workers ages 40 to 70 based on their age. Employers, supervisors or managers who violate the...

Georgia Employment Security Law

  • January 15, 2007

Georgia’s unemployment compensation law, like that of many other states, provides temporary payments to employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their...

Florida Clean Indoor Air Act

  • January 15, 2007

Florida recently amended its Clean Indoor Air Act to comply with the Florida Health Initiative. The law prohibits smoking in all enclosed indoor workplaces except:...

Texas Unemployment Compensation Act

  • January 15, 2007

Texas unemployment compensation law, like that of many other states, provides temporary payments to employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. The law...

No double-dipping on mortgage interest

  • January 08, 2007

Q. I have a home office for my own business. Can I deduct mortgage interest in addition to the interest claimed on the personal part of my return?

Artie McGovern, branding pioneer

  • January 01, 2007

Nowadays, when you hear about celebrities turning themselves into brands, it’s nothing special. In 1925, it was.

Setting clear performance standards

  • January 01, 2007

"I didn't know what you expected ... Well, no one told me to do it that way!" Have you heard this complaint before? Probably so.