Two May Be a ‘Group’ Under OWBPA

  • March 02, 2007

Q. I know that the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA) requires that I provide an employee who has been discharged as part of a “group” termination...

Mandatory EAP referral is legal

  • March 02, 2007

Q. In a previous issue of HR Specialist, you said that employers can’t force employees to visit a psychologist. Our Internet policy says that if we find employees...

Office business manager: Exempt or nonexempt?

  • March 02, 2007

Q. We're a nine-physician medical clinic, and we employ a salaried business manager. She makes less than $100,000 but more than $23,660 per year. Her duties include...

How George H.W. Bush endured Watergate

  • March 01, 2007

Just after Richard Nixon won reelection in 1972, he asked his ambassador to the United Nations to become chairman of the Republican National Committee.

FMLA: Paid vs. Unpaid Leave

  • February 13, 2007

HR Law 101: FMLA leave is unpaid time unless the employer voluntarily decides to continue paying the worker during the time off. You may insist that employees first use...

FMLA: Scheduling Foreseeable Leave

  • February 13, 2007

HR Law 101: The FMLA allows employers to negotiate with employees about the time when they are going to take time off when the leave is foreseeable. The law says that...

Discrimination against non-smokers?

  • February 02, 2007

Question: I work in an office of about 25 people. I am in charge of HR responsibilities and other duties. A question came to me regarding paid time for people...