Be prepared to back up group firing decision

  • September 05, 2007

Does your organization make important hiring and firing decisions by committee? That’s one way to counter possible bias by one individual. But be prepared to...

Policy on tattoos and piercings?

  • September 04, 2007

Question: "After we hired someone, we found out that she had a snake tattoo down her arm. Plus, she's now wearing a tongue ring which she did not have in when we...

Supervising staff at multiple locations

  • August 24, 2007

Question: Recently, I accepted a very challenging new position with my company. I will be supervising five receptionists/secretaries, two at one site and three at...

Indiana Law on Jury and Witness Leave

  • August 24, 2007

Indiana employers can’t punish employees who are summoned to serve as jurors or witnesses in court. Even though you needn’t pay employees for jury duty, you...

Indiana Civil Rights Act

  • August 23, 2007

Under the Indiana Civil Rights Act, it’s unlawful to subject people to differential treatment based on race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin or...