Netiquette, or network etiquette, bridges the gap between traditional communication and the text-based world of online interactions. With so much business conducted...
Fair hiring practices are essential for organizations seeking top talent. They help eliminate bias and discrimination in recruitment, ensuring a fairer process and...
The job market is changing! "New-collar" jobs are on the rise, focusing on specialized technical skills and knowledge gained through alternative pathways like...
This blog post provides guidance for HR leaders on how to support employees impacted by natural disasters. It emphasizes the importance of financial assistance, access...
Leadership principles are essential for guiding diverse teams and organizations. They provide a common reference point for decision-making and behavior, creating a...
Remote work offers benefits like improved work-life balance and broader talent pools, but it also presents challenges for companies. To address these, a clear and...
Cost-per-hire (CPH) is a vital metric that helps organizations understand the total cost of hiring new employees. Tracking CPH allows businesses to assess the efficiency...
Situational leadership empowers employees by tailoring guidance and support to their individual needs, fostering growth and skill development through a flexible and...
By Karl Ahlrichs
“Can you feel the rain? Do you hear the thunder? The storm is coming.”—Ed Robinson, CSP, CPA
The storm is here, but I’m confident you are...
Decision-making is the process of choosing a solution from a set of options. We make decisions constantly, both at work and in our personal lives. Some decisions are...
Workplace bullying is a pervasive problem affecting millions of Americans and countless workplaces. It harms employees' mental and physical health, leading to stress,...
Critical thinking skills are crucial for success in business and all aspects of life. They involve much more than just analysis, encompassing a variety of skills like...
Burden rate reveals the true cost of labor and production by factoring in indirect expenses like benefits, taxes, and overhead. This metric helps businesses make...
Transform your intentions into impactful actions. Learn how to bridge the gap between what you want and what you achieve with the power of aligned action and intention.
Hybrid work schedules increase company flexibility and improve work-life balance, leading to more engaged, satisfied employees who stay longer. While adjustments are...
Simplify your workforce planning and budgeting by using Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) calculations. FTE helps you standardize your workforce by converting all employee...
To succeed, master self-management! This article highlights key skills like self-awareness, time management, and goal setting, empowering you to reach your full...
Beyond traditional medical leave, companies are increasingly adopting new policies like menstrual and menopause leave to better support employees and foster open...
We are leaders in interesting times, indeed. I have tracked chaotic events in the past year, taking notes to share. Through this journey, I found that chaos took many...
Commission plans reward sales employees based on their actual sales, incentivizing them to sell more. While some may earn a base salary in addition to commission, the...