6 ways to tighten your communications

  • October 08, 2009

With the diminishing time you have to communicate, it’s a good idea to tighten your writing and say everything that needs to be said in half the words. With...

What to say when dealing with a ranter

  • September 23, 2009

When a colleague or customer gets so upset they stop making sense, you need to remember this: Too much adrenaline is muddling their thinking. Here are the most common...

Know what’s free speech, insubordination

  • September 20, 2009

Employees who work for government agencies have a few additional rights that privately employed workers don’t enjoy. One is the right to speak out on matters of...

Trouble holding a job? Here’s what to do

  • September 16, 2009

Question: “I have been fired from almost every job I have ever had. My friend says I’m just unlucky, because I seem to wind up in impossible situations that...

Don’t factor in FMLA when making RIF list

  • September 10, 2009

Many employers are discovering they have to cut staff to survive. It’s tempting to eliminate those positions where the least work is being done. After all, the...

Keep Sick Employees Home During Flu Season

  • September 08, 2009

Traditionally, employee absenteeism has been employers' main concern during the annual flu season. This year, however, employers are being urged by federal agencies to...

Miscalculated FMLA? Just let employee know

  • September 05, 2009

It’s easy enough to do. While calculating an employee’s remaining FMLA leave, you make a mistake and tell the employee he has to return by a certain day when...