How to ask for the recognition you deserve

  • October 14, 2010

No one likes a braggart, right? But when it comes to getting the recognition you deserve, you can’t afford not to take credit for your work, even if it means...

Why you need weekly status reports

  • September 27, 2010

Doing weekly status reports for your boss is a good idea for four reasons: It forces you to think about what you accomplished; allows you to toot your horn regularly;...

Snoopy co-workers and other busybodies

  • September 17, 2010

Frustrated with her snooping co-workers, one anonymous admin wrote on the Admin Pro Forum: “I work with a group of people who always want to know what I’m...

Use 3 strategies to cut health care costs

  • September 09, 2010

“Now is the time for all of you with plan-year start dates on or near Jan. 1 to start thinking about ways to control health plan costs,” says insurance...

10 ways to ‘green’ your employee benefits

  • September 02, 2010

Vouchers for compact fluorescent light bulbs and rooftop solar panels have taken their place next to health insurance and flextime as popular employee benefits. Young...

My employees won’t stop squabbling!

  • August 23, 2010

Question: “I manage a group of four women who bicker constantly. They are quick to “cop an attitude” and get defensive about stupid little things. To...

Word Tables and Delimited Text

  • August 22, 2010

Tricks with tables to save you some cutting and pasting when your data doesn't come in the way you expect it. Data to tables, tables to text and sorting data NOT in a...

The trouble with a ‘Sunshine Fund’

  • August 20, 2010

Fran’s work group plans to start a “Sunshine Fund” to buy gifts for special occasions, such as birthdays, weddings and baby showers. Her co-worker,...