Never hand off work without a checklist

  • May 02, 2011

It’s not enough to do your work correctly and efficiently; you must also be sure that other members of the team or project-based work group can be trusted to...

Does Texas require paid holiday time off?

  • April 17, 2011

Q. Last year, Christmas fell on a Saturday, and one of my employees who normally works Monday through Friday asked me if he would receive an extra day of pay. Are...

7 ways to improve your tech life

  • April 15, 2011

Your software is sluggish; your gadgets are glitchy. Here are seven easy updates that will improve your technological life. For starters, get a smartphone—having...

Free online training for managers and HR

  • April 13, 2011

Smaller organizations often have little or no budget to train their management teams. But no budget doesn’t have to mean no training. Here is a list of some of...

Gum-popping co-worker drives me crazy!

  • April 06, 2011

Question: “I work in a small office with a woman who loudly cracks and snaps her chewing gum. This lady is pushing 40 years old, so her behavior seems very...

5 ways to keep track of business cards

  • April 05, 2011

“My boss is inundated with business cards,” writes an admin reader. “Some are in Rolodexes, others are loose. But he doesn’t want to weed ...