3 Page Formatting Puzzlers in Word

  • May 21, 2012

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to align different parts of a line in a document? For instance, in a resume, the company name might be...

Age comments plus termination equal trouble

  • May 20, 2012

Here’s an important reminder for all supervisors: Innocent age-related comments can come back to haunt you. That’s especially true if the comments come from...

Is there a grace period for paying overtime?

  • May 20, 2012

Q. We couldn’t obtain the amount of overtime one of our employees worked in time to include payment for those hours in the current payroll period. We understand...

How to use bullet points effectively

  • May 15, 2012

In business writing, bullet points often replace regular old paragraphs, with good reason: Readers can scan them faster. Stick to these standards for using bullets...

Workplace bullying: When HR is the target

  • May 15, 2012

Ever feel like you’re the unofficial “shock absorber” in your organization, soaking up the complaints and abuse from all corners of the workplace? A...

Robert McNamara’s blind spot

  • May 10, 2012

Nobody argues the fact that Robert McNamara was a genius. The Ford Motor Co. whiz kid who led the Pentagon into the Vietnam War, and the World Bank into unprecedented...