What should a handbook disclaimer say?

  • February 19, 2008

Q. How should an employee handbook disclaimer be worded? Is any specific language required in order for the disclaimer to be effective? ...

Workers told to ‘Go back and pick cotton’

  • February 07, 2008

Darryl Hall, a black warehouse worker for Detroit Forming Inc., will have his day in court after the Michigan Court of Appeals reversed a lower court’s ruling on...

Richard Branson’s leadership secrets

  • February 01, 2008

British entrepreneur Richard Branson has turned his Virgin brand into a conglomerate of more than 350 companies. His unique leadership style requires some studying:

Paying back ‘Borrowed’ vacation leave

  • February 01, 2008

Q. We allow our employees to “borrow” unearned vacation time. Our policy provides that if employees quit or are terminated with a “negative”...

Representing the company at EEOC or MDCR

  • January 11, 2008

Q. A former employee has just filed a discrimination charge against us with both the EEOC and the Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR). We are a small company, and...