You’re not as busy as you think

  • July 19, 2012

“There was a time, not so long ago, when I was busy, busy, busy,” says Laura Vanderkam, author of 168 Hours. “At least I thought I was.” Then she...

No more laughs for the office jokester

  • July 18, 2012

Question: “What can be done about a co-worker who likes to play practical jokes?  He thinks it’s funny to create fictitious emails with rude comments,...

Panel interviews save time, improve hiring

  • July 12, 2012

Shuffling candidates between one-on-one interviews with different managers is time consuming and can produce assessments that are vastly different or inaccurate....

3 reasons to use named ranges in Excel

  • July 09, 2012

Named ranges, which substitute a user-specified name for data in a range of cells, make data entry easier, formulas simpler to name, and cells a cinch to locate.

In praise of stand-up meetings

  • July 09, 2012

Nothing conveys urgency and efficiency like being on your feet during a daily meeting. Stanford Business School professor Bob Sutton observed this as he was co-writing...

Keep your ’emotional bank account’ full

  • July 05, 2012

“The issues most people struggle with have little to do with our ability to do the work,” says Quint Studer, author of The Great Employee Handbook: Making...

HR guide for managing problem employees

  • July 02, 2012

HR wears many hats, one of the most important being keeping your organization out of court. An equally important—and related—hat is smoothing out the...

How we think about strategy

  • June 28, 2012

To make the topic of strategy more personal, Cynthia Montgomery, Timken Professor of Business Administration and immediate past head of the Strategy Unit at Harvard...

What to do when colleagues ignore emails

  • June 28, 2012

Question: How should I handle a co-worker who will not respond to emails?  I often need her input when I have to make a decision. In the past, I would finally just...