Just when you thought you had mastered the intricacies of the FMLA, employees and their lawyers have come up with a new trick that could trip you. This one involves how...
To build a positive workplace culture, you must deal with negativity and energy vampires head on. CEO Dwight Cooper dealt with the negativity problem by creating a...
Q. Does an employee have to say that she wants to “take FMLA leave” in order to satisfy the requirement that she notify her employer of her “intent to...
Could a stressed-out employee who makes veiled threats be a danger to himself or others? It’s the kind of quandary that keeps HR pros awake at night. And because...
Your company probably put up a Christmas tree to brighten the workplace during the holidays. Don't be surprised if an employee suggests putting up other symbols of the...
Your company probably put up a Christmas tree to brighten the workplace during the holiday season. And it is also possible that an employee suggested it might be nice to...
Q. How should I calculate the number of hours to charge to an employee’s 12-week FMLA entitlement? We have employees who work 40, 55 and 64 hours per week. Do we...
Some employees have chips on their shoulders—everything is always someone else’s fault, not theirs. They constantly pester supervisors and higher-ups with...
The FMLA gives employers the right to ask for proper medical documentation showing that an employee actually needs and is entitled to medical leave. The law also makes...
Q. I own a retail store and I have large inventory outlay costs during the first half of the month. To help manage my cash flows, I would like to begin paying my hourly...
Charlotte-Mecklenburg school officials filed criminal charges against a radio station staffer who hopped a middle school bus one morning as an on-air stunt. The bus...
Some temp employees have tried to argue that they should be paid immediately for their work as soon as they finish a particular assignment—and not have to wait...
Employees who become disabled, request accommodations that never materialize and then resign may end up getting unemployment compensation. But if disabled employees fail...
To sue for discrimination, employees must prove the employer did something that amounted to an adverse employment action—a firing, demotion or some other act that...
If you’re contemplating a layoff, you’ve no doubt given some thought to which employees you want to let go—and which ones you absolutely must retain....
Sometimes, it becomes clear early on that it was a mistake to hire that new employee. If it doesn’t look as though things will improve, it’s a good idea to...