Truman’s favorite words to live by

  • March 14, 2010

Harry Truman didn’t go to college but educated himself through reading widely, from Plutarch and Shakespeare to Dickens and the Koran. His favorite author was Mark...

Snow-day absences: When can you dock pay?

  • February 06, 2010

The snow's coming down pretty hard and an exempt employee calls to say she can't make it in today because her car is stuck. Can you deduct a full day's pay from her...

Ted Turner, champion debater

  • February 04, 2010

As a high school junior, future media magnate Ted Turner led the debate team to its first state championship in 30 years, and he did it by finding a unique angle ......

4 PowerPoint rules you should follow

  • February 01, 2010

To help an audience tune in to your PowerPoint presentation instead of zoning out, stick to these four cardinal rules from communications coach Carmine Gallo when...