Step up your speaking game in 6 steps

  • April 10, 2013

If you sense your presentations are failing to rouse others to action, it’s probably time for a tuneup, says career and business advisor Beverly Flaxington. Here...

Rumors and gossip rampant? What to do

  • April 09, 2013

Just because there's nothing you can do to completely eliminate gossip from your workplace doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do a thing about it. On the contrary,...

Setting limits on voluntary withholding

  • April 04, 2013

Q. A contractor would like us to voluntarily withhold her federal income taxes. Accounts Payable isn’t equipped to do this, so it’s fallen to Payroll. Having...

When is a Webinar a Good Learning Option?

  • April 04, 2013

We learn in lots of ways and there are lots of tools that can be a part of our overall learning strategy—whether we are thinking about that personally or for our...

What it takes to be a virtual assistant

  • April 03, 2013

Becoming a successful virtual assis­­tant requires a deep sense of commitment and a host of skills. As a VA, you are the Swiss Army knife and the adjunct...

Criticism after FMLA? Beware retaliation

  • April 03, 2013

When a good employee with no disciplinary record suddenly turns into a bad employee following FMLA leave, watch out. You may have on your hands a bitter supervisor who...

SharePoint 2010: Getting personal with views

  • April 02, 2013

The people who designed the sites for SharePoint 2010 probably made some decisions based on what they thought you needed. But sometimes, you need to use list data in...

Background checks: How safe is too safe?

  • April 01, 2013

Q. We are considering instituting a criminal background check policy for all employee positions. We’ve heard scary stories of lawsuits regarding negligent hiring,...