Don’t forget to ask the simplest question of all before you develop a new product or service for customers: What’s the unmet need? If you fail to learn the...
A consultant who was running a daily meeting for 20 employees at an insurance company noticed that he had two ramblers taking his meetings off track. Solution? He...
When we think about PowerPoint presentations, we usually imagine a speaker in front of the room with a projector and a screen. But many presentations are delivered by...
Sometimes, an employee needs just a few hours of FMLA leave to make a doctor’s appointment or to drive a relative to treatment. What if the employee wants to take...
One of the greatest philosophers ever known was a master of asking questions. Instead of lecturing, Socrates posed a series of thought-provoking questions to his Greek...
“A change agent,” write the authors of Who Took My Pen ... Again?, “has the courage to see things that are and know they could be better, and to see...
Pre-employment tests can help pinpoint ideal candidates for hiring. But they can also spark employee discrimination lawsuits if employers don't follow employment law...
By definition, a leader has to be out front. That’s why in hindsight it’s so easy to see how Peter Drucker, the foremost management guru of the 20th...
It’s perfectly legitimate to prohibit recreational travel during any approved, paid sick leave. If you also happen to substitute paid sick leave for unpaid FMLA...
Under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, employees called to active military service are entitled to return to their jobs....
The first step to controlling overtime costs is to establish a sound policy forbidding unauthorized extra work for hourly employees. But a “no unauthorized...
Here’s a lesson learned from an employer that responded correctly when an employee complained about sexual harassment. Not only did it conduct a thorough...
Employees who quit and sue have a tough case to make if they allege they had no choice but to quit because conditions were so terrible. First, they must demonstrate...
Earlier this year, the EEOC published Veterans and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): A Guide for Employers. In the guide, the EEOC asks the...
The entitlement mentality comes in all colors of the rainbow, from employees complaining if they have to work late, demanding perks, wanting to be consulted before any...