5 steps to becoming that go-to person

  • February 05, 2013

Every office has a go-to guy or gal who people count on to deliver in any situation. It’s possible to become the go-to if you try, says Kelly Gurnett, assistant...

Why It’s Smart to Have Selfish Employees

  • February 01, 2013

There is a common misconception that a selfish person makes for an unmanageable employee—perhaps this person will destroy the team dynamic that we all strive for...

Curb harassment with policy, prompt action

  • January 31, 2013

You can’t control everything that happens in the workplace. Despite your best efforts, a supervisor might still harass your employees. That doesn’t mean...

Leader track needs to be transparent

  • January 30, 2013

If your organization has a leadership development program, there’s no reason to keep it shrouded in mystery. A lack of transparency about the program’s...

Create a quiz with a simple Macro

  • January 29, 2013

In a Title and Content slide, type a question in the Title area and answers in the Content placeholder. On the Devel­­oper tab, click Visual Basic (VB) ...

Wooing a big client? Proceed in steps

  • January 29, 2013

Joseph Duveen, a prominent British art dealer in the early 20th century, wanted to win Andrew Mellon as a client. Rather than simply contact the American banker and...

Ask 6 questions to identify the problem

  • January 27, 2013

Begin every conversation geared toward problem-solving by identifying the problem and how it might be solved. Six questions should guide your actions.

Sync MS Office 365 with your iPhone

  • January 25, 2013

The growing popularity of Micro­­soft Office 365 means that many iPhone users must learn how to sync their Office 365 mailboxes with their phones.

Secrets of a mentor to future CEOs

  • January 24, 2013

In his 15 years as CEO of ICICI Bank, K.V. Kamath says he spent 30% of his time mentoring employees. The 65-year-old native of India views mentoring as a natural part of...