4 ways to bring empathy to your email

  • November 09, 2015

A new email extension called Crystal can help bring more empathy to your email conversations. The most important thing is adapting to other people’s written language,...

When a co-worker has been humiliated

  • November 09, 2015

When someone experiences a mortifying moment that you either directly or indirectly witness, it can make future encounters with the person awkward. Here's how to move...

Interview with Leader Bruce Cutright

  • November 01, 2015

Following our interview, Bruce Cutright was inspired to contribute additional thoughts and observations. I include them here. BRUCE CUTRIGHT: When I reflect on Mary...

Excel: Highlight #N/A results

  • October 25, 2015

You can filter for all #N/A results, but can you also highlight them with conditional formatting? You have to use the ISNA function, which tests a cell for that result.

Tips to survive the end-of-year crunch

  • October 21, 2015

The end of the year is approaching quickly, and you have much to do as 2015 winds down. Follow this advice to survive the busiest time of the year.

Manage an eavesdropping co-worker

  • October 16, 2015

Did you ever have a co-worker stop what he or she is doing and listen to your discussions or, worse, comment on discussions you are having with others? Often this...

FICA wage base remains $118,500 in 2016

  • October 15, 2015

The Social Security Administration has announced that the 2016 taxable wage base for the Social Security portion of FICA will remain $118,500. The 6.2% Social Security...

6 tips for learning to delegate

  • October 12, 2015

It's the flaw nobody really thinks they have—an inability to delegate effectively. Here's how to do it right.

Handling people who talk down to you

  • October 02, 2015

In the workplace you’ll inevitably encounter people who don’t think you’re important enough. They may talk down to you, go over your head or ...