Especially during these times of low unemployment, employers look for every advantage possible to attract and retain top talent. A good company culture provides a...
Effective team collaboration can transform company culture. As teams work together more, the organization becomes more inclusive and proactive. This collaborative...
Who does your company attract to work there, and who do you hold onto? Especially in times of low unemployment, it pays to explore the answers to these questions. While...
To cultivate a thriving workplace, leaders must actively build employee confidence. Consistent check-ins, genuine appreciation, and unwavering belief in team members'...
Employees often find meetings to be a drain on their workday. To combat this, leaders need to ensure meetings are effective and productive. This involves clear...
How well do you know your employees? Do they feel a sense of belonging at your organization, and do they get along well with their coworkers? These are vital questions...
In early January, Shopify unilaterally canceled all meetings of more than two people, saving a reported 95,000 hours. As is often the case, the specifics tell a slightly...
Look up the term synergy in a dictionary and you’ll get a definition such as “the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater...
Failure teaches lessons. Talking about the gains and successes when leadership uses intentional communication techniques in a workforce is fun. However, much can be...
It is one thing to take a group of individuals and create a team in a shared environment/workplace. It is another when everyone is remote from each other, on a level...
Jack dreads this week’s upcoming staff meeting. The agenda includes finalizing team shirts. While he has nothing against company swag — and getting to wear the tee...
Administrative Professionals Day, also sometimes referred to as Admin Day or National Secretaries Day, is right around the corner. The holiday occurs every year on the...
Whether the group in question is a neighborhood Little League squad or a collection of Ivy League graduates at a Fortune 500 company, every leader knows that building a...
Back in elementary school, you might have encountered a teacher who made the class an exciting offer. If every student in the room passed the math test on Friday...
Team building activities are a great way to bring your work teams together to get to know one another better and improve collaboration. Employees tend to be happier,...
The holiday party is a staple end-of-year tradition for many businesses and employees. They provide an opportunity for employers to show appreciation to their employees...
Flexibility is great for businesses and workers, but remote and hybrid work arrangements can cause a people management headache for unprepared managers.