No more laughs for the office jokester

  • July 18, 2012

Question: “What can be done about a co-worker who likes to play practical jokes?  He thinks it’s funny to create fictitious emails with rude comments,...

Keep your ’emotional bank account’ full

  • July 05, 2012

“The issues most people struggle with have little to do with our ability to do the work,” says Quint Studer, author of The Great Employee Handbook: Making...

What to do when colleagues ignore emails

  • June 28, 2012

Question: How should I handle a co-worker who will not respond to emails?  I often need her input when I have to make a decision. In the past, I would finally just...

Use PAS approach to implement change

  • June 03, 2012

Get someone to agree to a change by using the PAS formula, says Fred Kniggendorf of Gravyloaf. “PAS” stands for state the Problem, Analyze the problem,...

What to do when the boss won’t discipline

  • June 01, 2012

Question: Two people in our small office consistently come in late, leave early, and take two hours for lunch.  As the human resources manager, I’ve told my...

How to use bullet points effectively

  • May 15, 2012

In business writing, bullet points often replace regular old paragraphs, with good reason: Readers can scan them faster. Stick to these standards for using bullets...

Workplace bullying: When HR is the target

  • May 15, 2012

Ever feel like you’re the unofficial “shock absorber” in your organization, soaking up the complaints and abuse from all corners of the workplace? A...

6 communication gaffes even smart people make

  • May 10, 2012

Here are six common communication mistakes that people—especially professional women—make in the workplace, according to communications consultant and Business...

Effective Communication Starts with You

  • May 01, 2012

Effective communication starts with you, the manager, and the tone you set in the workplace. It may require some time and effort to get it right, but you’ll see...

What makes an unsuccessful employee?

  • February 27, 2012

What don’t managers want from em­­ployees? Check out this list of flaws that describe unsuccessful em­­ployees, according to their bosses. The ...