Music in the workplace can disrupt harmony

  • November 21, 2012

If you allow employees to listen to music in the workplace, be aware of the legal and practical consequences, lest you start hearing the not-so-sweet sounds of...

How to work with a domineering boss

  • October 31, 2012

Question: Our new CEO dictates orders without getting input from experienced staff and intimidates people by yelling at them in meetings. He was brought in because sales...

What your team needs most is stability

  • October 16, 2012

Underlying the list of what needs to get done is the list of what your team needs to get things done. Satisfy those basic needs, build a culture of trust, and people...

Workplace dating policies: Employer’s guide

  • October 07, 2012

Office romances can not only have an adverse effect on workplace productivity, but can engender claims of favoritism, sexual harassment and retaliation. So employers...

The importance of latte

  • October 02, 2012

If you’ve read any of David Bach’s books, (Start Late Finish Rich, Debt Free for Life, The Automatic Millionaire), one of his core concepts is The Latte...

Set limits with an office busybody

  • September 25, 2012

Question: “How do you deal with an office busybody?  One of my co-workers simply must know everything about everyone.  She constantly tries to get...

Reignite your career

  • September 22, 2012

Employees often ask me, “How can I continue advancing my career after I feel I’ve hit a job plateau?” says Joan Burge. Anyone who asks that question is...

How an F-bomb can hurt your career

  • September 10, 2012

Does swearing energize ­employees and demonstrate passion? Or does it cast a manager as out-of-control and unprofessional? Generally, the answer is the latter, say...

Mayo Clinic’s success secret: teamwork

  • September 06, 2012

After a diagnosis, patients at the Mayo Clinic meet with a team of specialists who help them understand what’s happening so they can decide about treatment...

The team turnaround process: 6-step primer

  • August 28, 2012

How does a leader impact a turnaround? Over the past five years, authors Joe Frontiera and Dan Leidl spoke to both well-known and lesser-known turnaround masters,...

How to manage slacker employees

  • August 23, 2012

Question: “I was recently hired to supervise two women who don’t seem to do much work. One does crossword puzzles and word search games all day. The other...

4 techniques to nudge your memory

  • August 17, 2012

Who needs a good memory, with all the tech gadgets to help you? Technology helps, but a good memory will serve you well when you need to recall someone’s name, or...

How to approach your boss about a pay request

  • August 10, 2012

Question: Management keeps ignoring my request for a raise. During a performance review two years ago, I provided documentation of my expanded responsibilities and asked...