Not every romance ends happily ever after with a storybook wedding. But with the passage of time, most breakups don’t leave a lingering mess. That’s not...
Every office has a go-to guy or gal who people count on to deliver in any situation. It’s possible to become the go-to if you try, says Kelly Gurnett, assistant...
There is a common misconception that a selfish person makes for an unmanageable employee—perhaps this person will destroy the team dynamic that we all strive for...
When addressing senior executives, every minute counts. Make your point succinctly—without tangents or long stories—and end decisively. Consider these...
“What do I most need to be prepared for suddenly dealing with international cultures, people and ways of doing things? I’ve just landed a job with a big...
Stressors like workload, people issues, lack of work/life balance and job insecurity can cause a dip in productivity at work, according to ComPsych’s 2012 Stress...
A Greensboro-area Bojangle’s restaurant has agreed to pay $33,426 to a former female employee after she was harassed, retaliated against and fired for refusing...
A large percentage of people have to deal with colleagues who frequently complain, according to a study by Cloud Nine Media. Such negativity isn’t just annoying;...
Before you address an audience of one or 100, know your goal and prepare an outline to stay on track. Start with simple ideas and add complex points (evidence,...
Most leaders acknowledge the importance of listening. But few know how to do it well. Listening raptly requires more than keeping quiet and maintaining eye contact with...
Speaking in public can be a nerve-wracking experience for many people. But you can learn to manage your nerves, says Darlene Price, speaking coach and author of Well...
If you allow employees to listen to music in the workplace, be aware of the legal and practical consequences, lest you start hearing the not-so-sweet sounds of...
You’re intelligent. You’re competent. You get the job done. But is anyone noticing your great qualities and skills? The quickest way to make sure they do...
Underlying the list of what needs to get done is the list of what your team needs to get things done. Satisfy those basic needs, build a culture of trust, and people...
Consider what might happen if a supervisor consistently singles out members of a protected class for tongue-lashings. It could be grounds for a discrimination lawsuit....
Office romances can not only have an adverse effect on workplace productivity, but can engender claims of favoritism, sexual harassment and retaliation. So employers...
Q. An employee has a note from her doctor releasing her back to work in a week. However, the employee says she feels fine and would like to return to work sooner. Should...