Every company wants managers who can efficiently identify, define and resolve problems. Don’t assume that management applicants with top references and...
Federal labor law requires HR professionals to do a lot of different things. Writing job descriptions is not one of them. Because this arduous task is optional, many...
Abbott Laboratories’ strategy for recruiting and retaining employees reaches beyond touting its health, retirement and work/life benefits. The Abbott Park, Ill.,...
Hiring is one of the most difficult and legally dangerous tasks for supervisors. Just a few ill-timed words in a want ad or interview can trigger a legal complaint. Here...
If applicants ask why they didn’t get the job, conventional wisdom says to simply state that another individual more closely met the company’s needs,...
Especially during the first six months of employment, employees are highly alert to signals and experiences that will help them navigate their new work environment....
The owners of interactive training company Red Nucleus make it a point to hire only what they call “passionate” employees. In fact, its website uses bold...
Well-written job descriptions supply the practical information on positions such as responsibilities, requirements and special attributes. But job descriptions also...
Pre-employment tests can help pinpoint ideal candidates for hiring. But they can also spark employee discrimination lawsuits if employers don't follow employment law...
Shuffling candidates between one-on-one interviews with different managers is time consuming and can produce assessments that are vastly different or inaccurate....
More than half of U.S. employers are having trouble filling mission-critical positions, a ManpowerGroup report notes. It’s time to turn around the trend. Here are...
In addition to giving job-specific tests, the best way to tell if applicants carry the skills to perform specific tasks is to ask very direct questions about how...
When it comes to making job offers, you or your hiring managers could be inadvertently locking the organization into employment contracts with new hires. Written...
Pepsi Beverages will pay $3.1 million to resolve EEOC charges that it discriminated against minorities when it refused to hire applicants with arrest records.
Job descriptions are the cornerstone of communication between managers and their employees. After all, it's hard for supervisors to measure job effectiveness during...
Conducting job interviews requires managers to strike a tricky balance between politeness and assertive evaluation. One wrong word or action can drive an applicant...
Nobody ever sets out to make a bad hire. But it happens, even to the best hiring managers. From managers' inadequate preparation to misguided hiring criteria to...
Talent-based interviewing asks questions about real-life situations that are phrased in a unique way to elicit a candidate’s first (natural) response. This is a...