Does Texas require paid holiday time off?

  • April 17, 2011

Q. Last year, Christmas fell on a Saturday, and one of my employees who normally works Monday through Friday asked me if he would receive an extra day of pay. Are...

Free online training for managers and HR

  • April 13, 2011

Smaller organizations often have little or no budget to train their management teams. But no budget doesn’t have to mean no training. Here is a list of some of...

Threat of suicide justifies medical exam

  • March 20, 2011

Employers are sometimes nervous about demanding that an employee undergo a medical exam. They fear doing so somehow violates the ADA. If an employee threatens suicide...

Learn the 5 levels of delegation

  • March 01, 2011

Your boss just delegated a task to you. Are you clear on exactly what level of authority you have in handling the task? Keep these five very different levels of...

The threat of smart people

  • March 01, 2011

You seek input from colleagues before picking which job candidates to hire or which workers to promote. It's admirable that you solicit their insights and impressions....

The myth of Darwin’s ‘eureka!’ moment

  • February 20, 2011

The “eureka!” moment came for Charles Darwin in October 1838, as he was reading something Thomas Malthus had written about population. All of a sudden, the...