Don’t tolerate insubordination, rudeness

  • February 11, 2012

You know her—the abrasive em­­ployee who’s just plain hard to work with. Employers sometimes fear disciplining such employees, thinking that any...

Why Barnes & Noble has survived

  • February 09, 2012

Once upon a time, a company imagined a future where music, video and books were all digital, instantly available through a hand-held gadget. It saw itself as a big...

How to manage employees who are grieving

  • February 03, 2012

When an employee experiences the death of a family member or close friend, it’s tempting for supervisors to take a hands-off approach to the...

How FDR compensated for weaknesses

  • February 02, 2012

Think the economy is bad now? Here’s how things stood in 1933: The jobless rate in America hit 25%. Business investment choked. Banks defaulted. Totalitarianism ...

‘Voluntary’ training time: To pay or not?

  • January 27, 2012

Do you offer extra off-duty training for employees that, while technically voluntary, is strongly recommended? If training participants are hourly employees, chances are...

Charlie Munger’s one hour to himself

  • January 20, 2012

Charlie Munger, able partner of financier Warren Buffett, got frustrated early in his career because, as Buffett describes it, “he thought he was smarter than...

Top 7 reasons why the wrong people get hired

  • January 02, 2012

Nobody ever sets out to make a bad hire. But it happens, even to the best hiring managers. From managers' inadequate preparation to misguided hiring criteria to...

Shaun White: That’s how I roll

  • December 29, 2011

You'd be forgiven for expecting Shaun White to become a shill after winning a gold medal in snowboarding at the Olympics and more gold in skateboarding at the Summer X...