Culture matters. It affects both performance and outcomes. A quick review of early American history shows a parallel between building a house then and building an...
Do you know how hard it is to keep a low employee turnover rate at a call center? Pretty hard, apparently. In the United States, roughly half of call center employees...
Tap into the power of training and development by trying these five tips. They’ll help you make the most of limited resources, and they’re sure to improve employee...
Natural and man-made disasters can befall any region, state, city or individual organization. A disaster does not just mean a hurricane or a 9/11; a fire contained to...
Who are we to argue with the assertion that America’s greatest leader was its first? It’s all true: George Washington ran two major start-ups—the army...
At school, they call it bullying. In corporate America, you might recognize it as executive hubris. The effect is the same: The person in charge shuts others down,...
Well-written job descriptions supply the practical information on positions such as responsibilities, requirements and special attributes. But job descriptions also...
The chief purveyor of hip-hop culture saw opportunity everywhere, even in the earliest days of rap. “You’d be happy to work with somebody,” he says,...
Ever notice how you can say the same exact thing to two different people, and they each take the comment completely differently? The best managers know how to give...
Don’t forget to ask the simplest question of all before you develop a new product or service for customers: What’s the unmet need? If you fail to learn the...
One of the greatest philosophers ever known was a master of asking questions. Instead of lecturing, Socrates posed a series of thought-provoking questions to his Greek...
Pre-employment tests can help pinpoint ideal candidates for hiring. But they can also spark employee discrimination lawsuits if employers don't follow employment law...
By definition, a leader has to be out front. That’s why in hindsight it’s so easy to see how Peter Drucker, the foremost management guru of the 20th...
The first step to controlling overtime costs is to establish a sound policy forbidding unauthorized extra work for hourly employees. But a “no unauthorized...
The entitlement mentality comes in all colors of the rainbow, from employees complaining if they have to work late, demanding perks, wanting to be consulted before any...
Shuffling candidates between one-on-one interviews with different managers is time consuming and can produce assessments that are vastly different or inaccurate....
HR wears many hats, one of the most important being keeping your organization out of court. An equally important—and related—hat is smoothing out the...