Want to grow leaders, pass along the culture of your firm, or convince new hires that the company is vested in their career development? Encouraging mentorship might be...
How you handle disability accommodation requests may determine whether a worker receives unemployment compensation if you terminate her after she’s used up all her...
If, like many employers, you have neglected updating your employee handbook, now is a good time to do so. That’s particularly true for Texas employers that use...
What managers say during the hiring process can spell trouble later if anything they say sounds like a promise that induces a candidate to accept a job offer and the...
When you are offering an applicant a part-time position with variable hours, be sure you make the terms clear. If you create an expectation and then reduce her hours,...
Employee handbooks can be the foundation of your employees' performance. However, they can also be a ticking time bomb that can confuse them and strip away your legal...
“If you’re being critical, then don’t talk about it in terms of failure. Instead, reframe it as an opportunity for lessons learned or positive steps to take in the...
Determining when and how much to pay employees for their travel and commuting time is a complex subject. Here are answers to 7 questions about travel time and the FLSA
Employers in New York will be subject to new “call-in” pay and scheduling requirements under recently proposed state regulations. The issue is “just-in-time” or...
If you have moved most of your recruiting and hiring processes online, you’re in the sights of watchdogs looking for hidden or intentional age discrimination.
Andrew Makar is all too familiar with project management challenges. An information technology consultant, he has learned how to avoid potholes and stay on track.
Instead of simply saying “No and goodbye,” some employers are passing along candidates they can’t use to other organizations that need them—even in the same...
The American Heart Association estimates there will be 350,000 sudden cardiac arrests this year, but automated external defibrillators could save 50,000 lives.
While the legal requirements to retain records are complex, you're probably safe in dumping those 1984 vacation-day requests. Still, knowing which records to save or...
Much has been happening with immigration policy since President Trump took office, and employers would do well to keep up. That’s especially true if any of your...
“Play the long game. Think about whom you’ll need to hire so that when you’re in a pickle, you’ve already contacted those people who can connect you to top...