Employee handbooks: 5 most common mistakes

  • February 02, 2018

Employee handbooks can be the foundation of your employees' performance. However, they can also be a ticking time bomb that can confuse them and strip away your legal...

The millennial conundrum

  • January 23, 2018

“If you’re being critical, then don’t talk about it in terms of failure. Instead, reframe it as an opportunity for lessons learned or positive steps to take in the...

Evict your inner imposter

  • January 15, 2018

Wading deeper into a new year of opportunities and professional aspirations, many of us are hitting the gym more and focused on physical fitness. Yet, we can’t deny...

Online hiring faces scrutiny for age bias

  • January 10, 2018

If you have moved most of your recruiting and hiring processes online, you’re in the sights of watchdogs looking for hidden or intentional age discrimination.

Avoid project management traps

  • December 21, 2017

Andrew Makar is all too familiar with project management challenges. An information technology consultant, he has learned how to avoid potholes and stay on track.

5 Ways to Lead Projects More Effectively

  • December 10, 2017

Project management training, advice and wise counsel can be found anywhere. Fair less is written about leading projects. This short article won’t put much of a dent in...

Getting staff to talk frankly

  • October 26, 2017

“Play the long game. Think about whom you’ll need to hire so that when you’re in a pickle, you’ve already contacted those people who can connect you to top...

Management myths vs. realities

  • October 25, 2017

When you step into management, you begin operating under certain tenets of human behavior in a societal cluster known as the workplace. The people in that...