As a manager, you know how important it is to use the correct employment terms with employees. Using the wrong terms can expose your company to expensive lawsuits. The...
California wage-and-hour law can be complicated. For example, California allows establishment of something called alternative workweek schedules. Employees have to...
If an employee has a contract with his employer that specifically limits his discharge, then at-will employment does not apply. This situation can get tricky if your...
Generally, employers should be careful to discipline workers in a consistent manner. Employees who break the same rule should earn the same punishment. However,...
Minnesota employers are stuck in the middle of the battle between state and federal law. The tension may create confusion for employers trying to legally enforce their...
Could a robot do your job? Probably not, says futurist and HR consultant Josh Bersin. But software that uses artificial intelligence to facilitate decision-making will...
Employees discharged for unprofessional conduct sometimes try to blame their problems on a lack of training. They argue that they had no way of knowing that their...
Performance reviews can bring stress to both sides of the table. However, with the right planning by supervisors, the meeting can be a productive, stress-free event.
People rarely leave their jobs unannounced. They may not use words, but in one way or another, they typically signal their intention to leave. Watch for these key...
It’s likely that the Starbucks incidents reveal some form of discriminatory animus on the part of individual employees. But from a management and HR perspective, there...