Steve Jobs v. George Lucas: The standoff

  • June 28, 2018

In late 1985, Steve Jobs had launched NeXT and wanted to buy a unit of Lucasfilm that made special-effects software for the movies. But finalizing a deal meant haggling...

Increase employee accountability

  • June 21, 2018

You may want to be the anti-micromanager, but that doesn’t mean you can avoid holding employees accountable. Here are some rules you must follow.

Review handbook for at-will conflicts

  • June 21, 2018

If an employee has a contract with his employer that specifically limits his discharge, then at-will employment does not apply. This situation can get tricky if your...

Issuing an oral reprimand

  • June 15, 2018

The first step in formal disciplinary action is an oral reprimand. Before you take this major step, however, be sure of the facts.

Feedback doesn’t have to fall on deaf ears

  • June 07, 2018

Ever feel like the feedback you give to your employees falls on deaf ears? Do you find that despite giving feedback often, the same frustrating patterns are consistently...

Why you need real-time feedback

  • June 07, 2018

Make it a priority to ask for feedback as you go throughout your day. Just make sure you choose the right people to evaluate you.