Providing stipends is a great way to streamline your travel and expense reimbursement processes. A stipend is a fixed amount of money paid to an employee to cover fringe...
Company-issued cell phone misuse can lead to disciplinary action, including loss of phone privileges. Severe violations, such as dangerous, illegal, or harassing...
As a human resources professional, what is more important to your organization — your ability to innovate or your ability to solve problems? When it comes to measuring...
It can be the call someone’s been enthusiastically anticipating, highly dreading, or somewhere in between. As vaccination efforts increase and social distancing...
Employee handbooks are large documents that list out a variety of company policies and procedures. They’re incredibly helpful to management and staff, but creating an...
Whether interested in going on the job market, advancing at a current company, or simply growing as a professional, savvy workers realize the importance of continuously...
You do everything right — you get prior authorization from your primary care physician to go to an in-network provider, like an imaging center, because you’ve...
Organizations depend on their human resources department to attend to the company’s most valuable asset — its people. In the constantly evolving modern workplace,...
Employee expectations are changing due to the pandemic meaning employers need to reassess what keeps their teams happy and engaged. Learn how the “Stay Interview”...
More and more employers understand the importance of mental health care for their employees. However, simply recognizing it and offering mental health coverage...
In 2020 we had a perfect storm of stress. We witnessed demonstrations and civil unrest, economic uncertainty, unprecedented levels of unemployment, election year...
Last summer there was nowhere to go and no one to go with. Thanks to vaccinations, things are looking up this summer. And right on time, as employees are reporting...
Is there a labor shortage and, if there is, what’s behind it? Are employees still not able to go back to work because, say, their kids are still home from school? Or...
Before establishing a summer dress code, be sure your policies are fair and sound. Gendered language and restrictive hair policies may not fly anymore.