Congratulations! You have reached a career milestone by landing your first managerial position. At this exciting time, you’re likely intrigued by the possibilities,...
Figuring that defined-contribution plans such as 401(k)s weren’t nearly secure as they should be after the passage of the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement...
Running a small business isn’t easy. On top of having to compete with large corporations for customers, small business owners also have to compete for employees. Small...
Make sure your company policies don't have any gaps that could create confusion or land you in legal trouble. If you're unsure, it's time for a review.
Setting up a 401(k) for employees can be a daunting task for small business owners. It is one of the most highly regulated employee benefits. However, it’s also one of...
A travel policy is an important part of your company policies. Travel is ramping up again right now, so this is the perfect time to review your existing corporate travel...
If you haven’t read the class-action lawsuit that Brian Flores (the fired coach of the Miami Dolphins) filed against the NFL and three of its teams, you should. It...
Small business owners have a lot on their plate. When you’re trying to oversee your business’ sales, marketing, product, and finances it’s easy to put HR tasks...
Even the most dedicated employees need a break sometimes. Paid time off is essential to your employee benefits and compensation package. As such, your PTO policy will be...
This content offers sample employee handbook policies, reminding you to customize them to your company culture and local laws. Be sure to consult an attorney to ensure...
Employers depend on their workers to perform the tasks asked of them. When an employee decides to ignore a request from a supervisor, business owner, or another person...
Very few managers relish the role of disciplinarian. Save the handful of leaders who enjoy flaunting their position of power, most would rather spend their valuable time...
The actions of employers are front and center in the news these days. Small slip-ups (and large ones) can quickly put your company in the news for all the wrong reasons....
Long gone are the days when adding staff meant posting a “help wanted” sign today and bringing aboard a new employee tomorrow. The modern hiring process, especially...
Are you looking to hire and need the perfect copywriter job description to bring in top talent? Hiring is a lengthy and costly process so it’s best to get it right...
No employer wants to make a wrong hiring decision. Bringing aboard someone who performs inadequately or proves a poor cultural fit affects productivity and office...
The new year often brings a new budget, new goals, and in some states a new minimum wage. That means it’s a great time to start thinking about pay raises.
Pay raises...
No matter your career industry or level of experience, performance review goals are a must. While it’s important to set achievable performance goals, it’s critical...
The COVID-19 pandemic threw challenge after challenge at businesses of all sizes this past year. And while no employers welcomed the disruption, effective leaders...
Effective communication is arguably the most important soft skill for managers — and most roles. Communication skills guide how you speak to clients, communicate with...