HR certifications, like GPHR, SPHR, and SHRM-CP, might seem confusing to those unfamiliar with them. But within the HR field, these credentials signal a person's...
If you’re planning to hire a Talent Acquisition Specialist or hoping to become one, take a look at this sample Talent Acquisition Specialist job description to learn...
In March 2010, the United States enacted the comprehensive healthcare reform law known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), often referred to as Obamacare. Its goals...
Imagine you’re daydreaming about visiting China when out of the blue, your company asks if you’re available to make a business trip over there. Could it be? Your...
In the US, 77% of businesses report that the leadership at their company is lacking, with only 48% of companies viewing management as high-quality. Moreover, 69% of...
You worked hard to pass a certification exam given by the HR Certification Institute (HRCI). Now, remain eligible to continue using that mark of distinction by paying...
Conducting employee engagement surveys can help you check the pulse of your workforce. Employee engagement directly correlates to key workforce concerns such as employee...
Open enrollment is an important time and hectic time of year for HR departments. Employees get to select a new plan for their health insurance and opt into other...
Earning certification from the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) demonstrates a level of competence and commitment that employers find attractive. The designation adds...
Despite what some Millennials and members of Gen Z believe, work-life balance is far from a new concept. Decades of employees have been trying to find the best ways to...
Workplace stress is a serious issue with many causes, including toxic environments, heavy workloads, and poor management. If you're struggling, don't stay silent –...
Tax-free scholarships to employees or their kids provided through employer-related 501(c)(3) private foundations aren’t new. Additionally, they aren’t limited to...
Advancing into a management role is an exciting but nerve-wracking experience. Managers have a huge responsibility when it comes to motivating and supporting their teams...
Perhaps most importantly, the employee handbook needs to lay out the consequences of attendance problems. What can a worker expect to happen if he is late once or has...
Employee retention is a constant challenge for employers. Hiring is expensive, productivity is lost, and it takes time to get new employees up to speed. High turnover...
Employers are always looking for ways to improve workplace inclusivity and employee engagement. One diversity & inclusion tool that is often overlooked is employee...
If you're considering employee surveillance software, it's a sign of underlying issues, and such tools will only worsen them. Your team thrives on trust. Invest your...
Ever wonder if you should check references before extending an employment offer to a new hire?
The answer is a resounding YES! If you really want to make great hires,...
According to Gartner, the annual employee turnover rate in the US is set to jump by 20% this year, with a total of 37.4 million professionals quitting their jobs in...
Finding the right person to fill an open role can be tricky. You want to ensure they have the required qualifications and are the right cultural fit for your team....